The animated series Darkwing Duck from the minds at Disney was an early 90s classic that imagined a superhero that swoops out of the shadows to get a little dangerous with the baddies!
The nemesis and regular villain of the show Negaduck is a similarly dressed and evil doppelganger of Darkwing and is the literal Negative or opposite of our main hero! Hailing from the world of Negaverse, he is always looking for a crazed way to challenge the heroes of the Disney classic!
Beast Kingdoms Entertainment Experience Brand is ready to showcase a Dynamic 8ction Heroes set that will surely get the evil in you hyped! The DAH-040SP Negaduck is smartly dressed in his yellow suit made of real fabric! Included with the over 20 points of articulation figure is a set of replaceable eyes and mouths to really bring out the wicked character of Negaduck
Product Specifications
- Three (3) pairs of replaceable eyes (Regular, angry, wide-eyed)
- Three (3) replaceable mouths (Open, closed, grinning)
- Six (6) pairs of replaceable hands (Open, gripping, closed, fist, holding bomb)
- Chainsaw
- Bomb
- Detonator
- Removable red detective hat
- Costume made of real fabric
- Special, branded figure base with bracket