"WALL-E," a Pixar animation classic, is set on a deserted, garbage-covered Earth in the year 2805. Humans have fled to space, leaving behind WALL-E, the only working cleanup robot still functioning. WALL-E, a curious and lonely robot, spends his days cleaning up and finding joy in small treasures. His life changes dramatically with the arrival of EVE, a sleek, advanced robot. Instantly smitten, WALL-E embarks on an exciting space adventure with EVE, discovering love and new experiences far beyond his daily routine. Their journey is a heartwarming exploration of friendship, hope, and the enduring spirit of curiosity!
Beast Kingdom's ‘Entertainment Experience Brand' returns with the launch of a highly detailed statue under the "Master Craft" series. The MC-074 collectible statue of the adorable "WALL-E" faithfully recreates the warm-hearted bot using professional coloring techniques. The detailing showcases the wear and tear, dents, and rust on WALL-E's long-functioning body
Product Specifications
- Manual injection molding, with professionally graded paint
- Exclusive iron set plaque
- Limited to 3,000 sets worldwide
- Length : 20 cm
- Width : 20 cm
- Height : 20 cm